Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Explore, Dream, Discover

A famous writer once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. “

Mark Twain has always been one of my favorite writers since I was young. He has influenced so many writers to think outside the box and pursue your own way of thinking. That is one of the many reasons why I really love this quote. But this quote symbolizes more than that.

I’ve heard so many older people say, “Gee, I wish I could have done that when I was younger.” And I’m always thinking, “Why didn’t you?” It always astonishes me to think that people give up opportunities to make other people happy.

We are giving one life, so why not make the best out of it?  I have always thought that since I was young. The idea of traveling and seeing this big world always excited me. And I am lucky enough to have had that opportunity. For starters, I’m an ex-Flight Attendant. I picked up and moved to Phoenix, Arizona for training and because of that I got to see a lot of the United States.

Then last summer I had the opportunity to study abroad in London, England. I spent a month there learning about the English life, going to museums, traveling all over the English countryside, and going to church at the one and only Buckingham Palace. (I mean…I got to stand where Prince William and Kate got married!)  And because England wasn’t enough, I went to France and explored the city of LOVE.

Of course, I’m not stopping there. Next summer, I’m planning on going on a mission trip to Haiti to help kids in orphanages. This is going to be my graduation present to myself.  I want to be selfless and help people that are in need. We sometimes forget that some people have it worse off than we do, so I think it’s important to help the people out there that are less fortunate.

What I’m trying to say here is… DON’T limit yourself. This world is a big place, so take the time and go out and explore it. Life is to short to be “wishing” and “hoping”… be proactive of your life and live everyday to its fullest. 
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  1. I've nominated you:
