Monday, July 28, 2014

Adopt A More Positive Mindset (Week THREE of SIX- Self-Confidence-challenge)

On this third week, I will discuss one of the hardest things to do, adopting a more positive mindset. I have discussed staying positive and letting those negative thoughts that destroy us leave our brains through out my posts, but again I am reinforcing it.

Especially this week, I’ve had problems trying to stay positive. From giving up a friend who I thought cared about me, health issues, and other stressers that comes with life, it is hard to stay positive. Sometimes it is easier to stay negative when things happen to us, instead of thinking of the positive effects that it may have.

Usually what I try and tell my friends is, “Everything works out the way it’s suppose to.” Which, most of the time, is true. Everything that happens to us always happens for a reason, but sometimes it takes us longer to actually know the reason why.

When you adopt a more positive mindset everything falls into line. When we pass off negative thoughts, those negative thoughts will reflect in what we are doing. For example, thinking that, “I’m not pretty enough” repeatedly, will turn into people seeing that emotion conveyed in your body language, actions, and therefore won’t want to be around you. How can you make friends when you don’t care about your own well being? People want to be around positive influences and not what we call “Negative Nancys.”

To get a more positive mindset, all you have to do is tell yourself, “I look good today!”  This well help reinforce that mindset and you will cut off that little demon in your brain that makes you question yourself. To do this you can write notes and leave them in random places (like I’ve stated before,) say it out loud when you’re looking in the mirror, or do something that makes you feel good.

So this week’s challenge is find out what you like most about yourself, and don’t be afraid to project that strength and qualities to others!

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  1. Some lovely and inspiring posts. All accurate, things do work out if you let them! :)

    Emma Louise | Clutter and Coffee

    1. Wow!! thank you so much Emma!! that means so much to me!! this makes me want to work harder. Thank you :)
