Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let It Go

We have all heard that Disney song that has inspired millions of remakes and teaches young people around the world to just be your self.  Well I’m not going to be talking about that Disney song, but I will be talking about the three words, “LET IT GO.” 

Since I was young I have always had a problems with letting things go. I let the words and actions of people effect my life and most of all my emotions. If someone said to me, “You are to short.” I would automatically believe that there was something wrong with me. Festering on the fact that I am only 4’11 and not 5’6, I would beat myself up over it and make myself believe that I’m not normal. Most people don’t understand how words can really mold and affects someone’s life. One single word could change a person’s path and their course of action.

I have been teaching myself about the idea of “letting things go.”  You have all heard the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never heart me” –and that’s the idea here. When someone says something negative to you, “just let it go,” if things don’t go your way, “just let it go.”  I know this is hard to think about, and it’s a hard thing to preach (I mean I’m still learning myself.)  But letting it fester inside you only makes things harder and unhealthy for you.

Here are some simple tips:

1.     Right after the negative response tell your self, “This isn’t true” and walk away. By doing this you are taking that negative response and throwing it out the window and reinforcing positive energy.

2.     Tell the other person, “thank you” and walk away. Not only are you telling the other person that they can’t hurt you, you are also telling your brain (that releases the negative thoughts) that nothing is wrong. Therefore, you won’t be letting that negative energy destroy you.

3.     Like I said in my last post, write positive things about yourself.  This tells your brain to think happy thoughts, and when this happens, you get rid of all that negative energy.

This is an on going process. You can’t just wake up on day and be like, “I will no longer think negative thoughts", because come on, that will never happen. Much like exercising it takes practice and patience but sooner than later you will be a more healthier you. 

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