Friday, August 1, 2014

Self-Love Bucket List

Self- Love is one of the most important things that we can learn in life.  I always tell people that, “ if you can’t love yourself, how can others love you?”  We are always comparing ourselves to others, either our friends or the women that we see on television, but we never sit down and think about what like about ourselves. So I have created something that can help you to love yourself more. The Self-Love Bucket List.

In this bucket list I have written something that I like about myself everyday of the week. Much like organizing your week, this is something you can look at and tell yourself that you need to do everyday. You can get a calendar and place it above your bed, desk, or anywhere in your room to write it down on. Along with that, I have a “To Do” list so to that I remember to do it everyday.

Some of few things listed are:

  1. I LOVE MY SCARS. I have a scar on my face from a car accident, and a scare from a surgery that I’ve had.

  1. I LOVE BEING SMALL This one has always been one of my biggest insecurities. I am only 4’11 but I have always wish I was taller.

  1. I LOVE BEING ME.  This means you have to love ALL of you. How you act, how you feel, you should never apologize for being you.

Much like how people write a bucket list of things to do before they die, write out a list of things that you love and that you want to improve. We have to learn to love ourselves before anyone else is allowed to love us. So take time out of your day and tell yourself “I LOVE YOU.” The more you do it, the better at life you will become. 

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  1. I think this is such a relevant post for today's society. People really should try as much self-love as they can. Nice job :)

    Oh, and I wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Liebster award :)

    1. Omg thank you so much for reading! and I am trying to figure out how to do the Liebster award! can you help?

  2. Love your blog :) I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, have a look at my blog to see what it is about :)

    Tiffany x

    1. thank you so so much!!! this means the world to me!! what how do I do the Liebster award?

  3. I love this post! I also have a scar on my face from the chicken pox and I am small too! 5'2 to be exact :) Also, I have nominated you for the Liebster award! Here is the link to my blog post:
    If you would like you can answer the questions and tag others as well! Take care :)
