Monday, August 4, 2014

STOP COMPARING YOURSELF (Week FOUR of SIX- Self-Confidence-challenge)

If you read my post from Friday, you would get a little hint of what today’s post is going to be about. I think it’s important to emphasize this statement and make sure that we get it into our minds, “Stop comparing yourself to other people.”

Every single day we are reminded about how we should look, present ourselves, and “how to be perfect.”  This comes from movies, magazines, commercials, and sometimes from our families.  I know, from my experience growing up, I always felt like I had to keep up with the popular kids at school and wear what they wore.  Feeling like I was different from everyone else, I felt like that was the only way for me to blend it. I didn’t like the feeling of being different, and most of all I just wanted to be like them. But the thing was my family didn’t have the money to buy the things I wanted, so I had to buy clothing that ultimately got me teased in school. By my senior year, I got a job at Abercrombie and Fitch and I got the clothes that I wanted, but yet it made me spiral out of control. I started developing a shopping addiction and I felt like I had to keep up with the “perfect” image that I always wanted as a child.

I come to realize over time that we have to accept who we are and what we were born with. No one in this world is perfect, not even super models or our favorite celebrities. We each have a flaw and something that we don’t like about ourselves. I mean Charlize Theron, one of the most beautiful women on earth, hates her back? Yes.. she hates her back. But the ultimate goal is to except and love yourself for who you are.

Comparing yourself to your best friend, a model, or someone on the street is only going to get you NO WHERE.  It only makes you more insecure and leads you down a destructive path. So the goal this week is to BE YOU!  We are all uniquely different and beautiful inside and out. I mean if we were all the same… that would be boring! 

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  1. Hi ! :-)

    I nominated you for The Liebster Award, you can find it on my blog here
    Hope you will enjoy answering my questions,

    Can't wait to hear your answers !

    See you soon,


  2. totally agree with this - it really does get your nowhere

    from helen at

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