Wednesday, August 13, 2014

That monster called "Depression"

A lot of people ask, “What does depression look like?” and my response is always, “it doesn’t have a face.”  When someone is battling depression they usually hide it from the people that are around them. They put on a so -called “mask” and wear it so no one knows that they are hurting. They smile and laugh on second, and the next they go into a room to let out their emotions.

I have been battling this demon since I was young. No one in my family ever knew what was going on because I would pretend I was happy. I would smile, laugh, and let everyone know how perfect everything is, but all I wanted to do is scream. It felt like someone was constantly stabbing me on the inside trying to get out. It got to the point where I didn’t want to do anything anymore, not even my favorite hobbies. I had no energy or drive and I shut everyone out.

I knew I had to make a change and take control over this nasty disease. I couldn’t let it control my life anymore. And that is why I decided to make this blog. Not only am I trying to help myself, I want to help others to achieve greatness and take responsibility over their own life.  

Depression isn’t something you take likely. Like a lot of diseases, it can take you with one full swoop.  You don’t have to be alone with it, there are people who can help you and that understand what is going on. Don’t be afraid to talk about it, or be embarrassed. It isn’t something to be ashamed of.  Just know that you are never alone in this world and that you ALWAYS have someone there.

If you know anyone that may have depression, please talk to them. Let them know that they aren’t alone, that they are loved. Please always seek help. 
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this Nicole.
    My mom suffered from depression my entire childhood, and it was really hard to watch because there was nothing I could do to make her feel better. Nothing. It is so so important to seek help. You're absolutely right.
